همیار سرپرست ادبیات
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همیار سرپرست ادبیات
منتقد ادبیات
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گوینده آزمایشی
- Nov
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- 2
مثال: “Song” اثر “Adelide Crapsy”
I make my shroud, but no one knows
So shimmering fine it is and fair
With stitches set in even rows
I make my shroud, but no one knows
In door-way where the lilac blows
Humming a little wandering air
I make my shroud and no one knows
So shimmering fine it is and fair
I make my shroud, but no one knows
So shimmering fine it is and fair
With stitches set in even rows
I make my shroud, but no one knows
In door-way where the lilac blows
Humming a little wandering air
I make my shroud and no one knows
So shimmering fine it is and fair